Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee
KIA Aug. 26, 2021 Kabul, Afghanistan
Sgt. Nicole L. Gee was assigned to Combat Logistics Battalion 24, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. She was 23 years old when she was killed.
“Sergeant Nicole Gee was the most positive and outgoing Marine I have ever had the pleasure of working along side of," said Landon Workman, a close friend of Gee, told ABC10 in a statement.
Workman said Gee took every situation as an opportunity to learn and grow and set examples and standards that were difficult for others to achieve. Gee’s military awards included the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and the National Defense and Global War on Terrorism Service Medals.
"She was the most competitive human being I’ve ever been around but carried it so incredibly well with as much humility as one could. She was meritoriously promoted to both Corporal and Sergeant, but one could argue neither were fast enough," Workman told ABC10. "She always took on responsibilities and roles of a Marine of much more experience and a high rank."
He said that Gee worked multiple shifts a day so she could be around the children and families who were being evacuated.
An Instagram post from an account for Gee, posted a week ago shows a baby being held with "I love my job" in the caption.
The Sacramento area Marine graduated in 2016 from Roseville's Oakmont High School, a year later she enlisted in the Marines, according to a city of Roseville Facebook post. She leaves behind her husband, Jarrod Gee, who is also an Oakmont graduate and Marine.
Gee was among those supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel when an ISIS bomber attacked the airport where people were trying to leave the country.
“Our unit mourns the immense loss of Sgt. Gee, our fallen service members, and the Afghan people who lost their lives in this attack,” said Brig. Gen. Forrest C. Poole III, commanding general of 2nd Marine Logistics Group. “I express my deepest heartfelt condolences to Sgt. Gee’s family, friends, and loved ones. We will continue to provide support to all those affected by this incident.”
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